• <menu id="x5gyw"></menu>

    <samp id="x5gyw"><dl id="x5gyw"></dl></samp>
          1. <menu id="x5gyw"></menu>

            Animate On Scroll

            We have included an option to easily add animations to almost any element of your site content. These animations are triggered once elements enter the viewport of your browser as you scroll down the page adding life and energy to your site content. Great for adding focus to particular elements of your content which you wish to bring to the attention of your visitors.

            Doing so is as simple as adding 2 class names to the element you wish to animate!

            <div class="animate fadeIn">
               Animate this text!
            animate fadeIn
            animate fadeInUp
            animate fadeInUpBig
            animate fadeInDown
            animate fadeInDownBig
            animate fadeInLeft
            animate fadeInLeftBig
            animate fadeInRight
            animate fadeInRightBig
            animate flip
            animate flipInX
            animate flipInY
            animate lightSpeedIn
            animate rotateIn
            animate rotateInDownLeft
            animate rotateInDownRight
            animate rotateInUpLeft
            animate rotateInUpRight
            animate slideInDown
            animate slideInRight
            animate slideInLeft
            animate rollIn
            animate bounce
            animate flash
            animate shake
            animate swing
            animate wobble

            Contact Details

            Email: info@joomla51.com
            Website: www.joomla51.com

            The Dunes, Top Road,
            Co. Sligo,

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